Dog Days

Here it is almost August.  Can you believe that?  The past few months have just flown by, not necessarily a bad thing.
This evening I’m listening to Crosby, Stills, Nash, an album I purchased as a "vinyl" back in 1977.  My collection of those weighty recordings were sold when I moved to MN back in 2006, so I am selectively restocking favorites.  This album is still a major fave of mine, its title being simply "CSN."
My well-traveled laptop died almost a month ago and, after a futile attempt at repair, I realized it was time for a new one.  This one has a "Flamingo Pink" shell.  Cool.  Why not?  So, I have been fortunate to still have all my photos and tunes.  There are new photos from July, and hopefully I’ll get those uploaded before too long.
July has been a busy month, but filled with fun activities.  I am taking drum lessons in Austin, having purchased a djembe (African hand drum).  My first exposure to really playing one was back in October 2006 at the LAF Summit here in Austin.  Hmmmm…there we go with another synchronicity.  Ever since then, I had been intrigued by the djembe and longed for one someday.  One thing and another…time passes…events take place and people come and go in life…the opportunity to volunteer as a drum circle facilitator presented itself to me and well, this djembe spoke to me.  So!  I’m taking lessons at Drumz in Austin and am hopeful of future drumming experiences.
These weekly classes are giving me back aspects of my life I have been sorely missing…music, spiritual outlet, community…and well, gee, I’ve just missed drumming!  I still have my beloved hoop drums; they are displayed in our hallway here at home and still get taken down off the wall to be played.
Dave’s son Paul came to visit, being with us for a week and returning home just this past Wednesday.  We three took a road trip to Rockport for a day or two; where else to go in Texas during July but the beach?!  One morning, Paul went with me to drum class while Dave got out on the bike for a couple of hours.  Cool!   We had plenty of time to chill out here at home and enjoyed a few snooker marathons.  Just a week…although it felt over too soon, thankfully it did have that "time warp" feel to it, and we savored every moment. 
Whew!  Let’s see…Dave raced earlier in the month; his club (Violet Crown) has an informal series of three races.  He entered the first in the series and WOWSER placed very high.  At this point, we’re looking at heading to Pattison, TX next Friday, where he will race in the Texas State Time Trial Championships.  This year will be a learning experience…just for him to race in it…get the feel for it…get one year under his belt in looking towards really training for it next season. 
Yep, it’s been a bountiful month!  Last year was very trying, lots of stressors, so we’re enjoying having some fun for a change!
Our residence is very nice and comfortable (we finished some decorating touches prior to Paul’s visit and got some new bedroom furniture) and our back garden is private and peaceful.  (Hummingbirds have found their feeder and other feathered neighbors have found the birdbath.)   We spend quite a few hours just sitting outside when weather permits (i.e. not too freakin’ hot !!)  We’re getting tomatoes and peppers out of my wee garden and that’s been nice given the recent scares on just those particular veggies.
I’ve even been toying with the thought/feelings for teaching Reiki again.  Not quite ready to hang out my "Open for Business" sign in the Cosmos, but I feel my spirit stepping out on that path…not skipping willy-nilly down it…just…stepping….out.   The spirit of volunteerism is nibbling at me again, and I may sign up to do office work for the LAF on an as-needed basis.  We’ll see.
Gosh, I do love this CD! 
Sorry there are no recent photos, but I do appreciate you stopping by to see what’s up.  Synchronicities and wondrous events seem to continue to appear in my life, soaring in and out of my days when least expected but most needed. 
Take care, laugh often, love fiercely, catch a few sunsets with someone special!