Deep in the Heart of Texas

Good evening from Austin, Texas 
It’s Sunday evening and I’m snug in my hotel room, bags packed, and ready to head North in the morning.  I am missing my Scotsman and home with a fierceness that simply defies description.  This has been a necessary trip, but I certainly do not want to be separated from him like this again.  We’ve worked too hard to be together to be apart for any length of time.
The LiveSTRONG Summit was this weekend here in the heart of my native Texas, Friday afternoon until noon today.
As with every LAF event I have participated in, this has been a weekend of so many emotions, sights, and sounds.  And people.  It has been very powerful and intense, and once again the LAF falls into that rhythm of synchronicity with my path in this life. 
More later on the Summit and my trip to Texas.  At this point, I am still sorting through the emotions and events of this weekend and am not yet ready to share my thoughts and impressions.  It has been a personal journey…one of insight, discovery, and inspiration.  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the Summit and Texas Trip albums that have been added to this site.
Cheers for now!

Journeying Once More

Greetings from The Road!  I’m on my way to Texas, having logged 500+ miles through mostly rain and W I N D to southern Iowa last evening.  Spent a restful nice in this little town of Osceola and am about to trek on southward in just a bit.  Nice how many hotels have wireless Internet these days. 
There’s not a whole heck of a lot in Iowa…lots of open space and cornfields which, of course, are past harvest and waiting to be plowed under.  Interestingly, across the street is a pole with a set of horns atop it…tornado warning system?????  Hmmmmm….
This is an exciting thing, this trip, with the promise of spending time with my mom and friends and going to the LAF meetings…but it sure is hard being away from my Scotsman.  For the past yea up until he started working about a month ago, we were together virtually 24/7…and how easy that was!  Just the most natural thing in the world.  Well, a couple of swift weeks and I’ll be back home with him.
Better get this show on the road! 
Cheerio for now!

First Snowfall

That’s right…we’ve had our first snowfall!  Just enough to cover the ground but, as the ground temperature is still warm, the pavements are clear…it isn’t cold enough for the snow to stick.  So the streets are clear and we’ve got a light dusting of the white stuff everywhere else.  The forecast is for 2-4 inches through tomorrow, which is less than they originally predicted.  Things are supposed to warm up a bit over the weekend, so this will all go away…only to reappear in a few weeks’ time.
It’s early…I was up just behind Dave this morning…we were both wondering how much snow we would get and if there was anything I’d need to do to help him get to work.  He’s off okay and so here I am! 
My work has been kinda slow with the holiday on Monday, but there have been plenty other things to keep me occupied…taking care of some personal biz, getting ready for my trip, preparing for the coming of Winter.
Carpe diem!

Maple Tree Humor

How many maple trees does it take to change a light bulb?
No, no, wait…that’s not what I meant!
Maple tree humor, as in I do believe the trees have a sense of humor, as perverse as it may seem.  Today the sunshine and moderate temperatures beckoned to me all day.  Finally at around 2:00 PM, I finished working and went to do some raking in the back garden.
That majestic maple is dropping its leaves, as is its smaller brother/sister also inhabiting the back garden.  Dave had the lawn completely cleaned of leaves Sunday afternoon and by Monday morning we had a carpet of color once again.  We’ll probably have to tend to it again over the weekend, but I figured I’d give it a once over today.  I needed the fresh air, sunshine, and physical activity.  Needed to just hang out in Momma Nature’s place for a while, so the pooch and I went outdoors into the sunshine and Fall air.
This task was not nearly as taxing or tedious as raking the pecan leaves from my huge yard back in Texas.  Our yard here is miniscule compared to that.  And you know what?  The maples and I were playing a game.
What’s it called?  Perhaps something like "You Rake, We Shake."  As I am raking, yes, indeed, more leaves are gently raining down upon me. 
The reward to all this is a myriad of colors like I’ve never seen before.  Piles of leaves in the yard awaiting scooping into leaf bags…the full spectrum of oranges, reds, yellows…absolutely gorgeous and, as sappy (no pun intended) as it sounds, awe-inspiring. 
What a treat to live in a part of the country where there are seasons!  I’m enjoying Fall and all its wonders.  I hope you are, too.
Cheers for now!