These Days…

…These days….That’s the Jackson Browne tune I’m listening to at this moment.  Thanks, JB, for the title of this entry.   It’s off his Solo Acoustic Volume 1 album. 
There’s something soothing, something that touches my heart and soul, in many of his songs.  "Running on Empty" is another CD of his I have.  That one takes me straight back to my college days in the late 70s and yet seems to speak anew to me even at my current age. 
These days my heart is so very full.  Life is damn good.  I have never known such contentment and…well, peaceful and quiet happiness. 
These days are full of promise and a good year ahead.
You know what, though?  If my time on this Earth were to become short, it would be okay, really.  These past two years have been very full.  Yes, there has been loss and trying times, but all through it I have never known such joy in sharing life with someone. 
I’m reminded of the fact that I’ve actually seen Jackson Browne live in concert.  I think that was the most fun concert I’ve ever attended.  A longtime girlfriend and I went to what was then called The Summit in Houston.  We were a bit silly-minded when we arrived…parked my car in the garage and after the concert couldn’t remember where we parked!    I still remember that…was funny as heck at the time.  The concert was amazing…they played straight for over two hours, with no warm-up band prior to the start.  Amazing.   Yes, without a doubt the best and most enjoyable rock concert I ever attended.
These days I’m reading "Lame Deer – Seeker of Visions."  A very pleasant read; it’s written so that one feels one is sitting at Lame Deer’s feet listening to him tell stories. 
This morning while Dave was out riding 67 (wowser 67!) miles with an Austin-based group, I was working in our little yard.  One of the things I did was make a flowerbed.  It was so therapeutic for me to be working with the Earth.  There’s a little bit to do tomorrow if it’s not raining, and then in a few weeks I can start planting…what, you might ask?  Not sure yet…a combo of flowering and vegie plants, although the vegies will come a bit later.  We have a nice bit of yard here and I’m enjoying working with it.  Mainly it’s nice to feel like we are settled for a while…although every place we have been these last couple of years was home just because we were together….this really feels like home for a while…and that’s a nice feeling.
I’m still staying close to home on our days off in case our relief manager has questions and that’s fine for now…one of us needs to be here for her during these early days.  She’s doing very well, we’re certainly enjoying having her with us and appreciate all her good work.  I bet that in a week or two I can be off on the roads with Dave cranking out some bike miles. 
Our little Fionn is growing and doing well across The Pond.  I’m (now don’t laugh, you who know me) knitting him a baby blanket! 
Okay, I’m rambling, so I’ll toddle off for now.  I hope your weekend has been a pleasant one!
Peace, strength, love, and light….

Here We Go!

Here we go with another year!  January is flying past, so it seems.  So far, so good.
I haven’t been on the bike yet except in the facility but it wasn’t supposed to be delivered until February anyway, so it’s okay.  We finally got a relief manager so we should be getting our "weekends" off.  Work’s going well; we’re still finding "surprises" here and there, but we’re getting things straightened out and settling in.
Personally, the energy has felt right here from the get.  Interestingly, I met a Native American gentleman who has a workshop very nearby…met quite by "accident"…but if you know me, you know I don’t hold with things happening "by accident" – rather synchronicities, karma…it’s always so cool to meet a friend…again.
I didn’t find what I was looking for that day but, rather, found what I needed.
Anyhoo, Saturday after work I attended an intertribal pow wow in a nearby town.  Aaaaahhhh….wonderful.  So many colorful, beautiful costumes of the various tribes, talked with some totally groovy people, felt the beat of the drums, the singing, and felt my spirit reconnecting. 
My new friend turned me on to a drum circle not far away that meets once a month and I’m hopeful of attending that in February. 
Jazzercise is also back in my life and I’m having a ball with those sessions.  Classes aren’t too far away and I boogie over there on Thursdays while Dave is training on the turbo. 
Gee, sounds like I’m on the verge of getting a life again!  Imagine! 
I hope your New Year is starting off in a peaceful, energized, and joyous way!
Oh!!  If you get a chance, check out a nice film called "Loch Ness" with Ted Danson.  It’s from the 1990s, just a sweet little film and you get a taste of Loch Ness….yep, that’s really what it looks like…that’s it….and get to hear some lovely Scottish voices.
Some things are best left undisturbed….go in peace, Nessie